Finding nemo is a small installment that released for Microsoft windows. This installment was developed by THQ and released in 2003. You can also play it on PlayStation 2 and this is really an awesome installment and this product is especially designed for girls because all girls like this type of product. If you want to see its movies, then you can also get finding nemo game trailer.
You can play it on all products of Microsoft and this installment is launched for Windows XP Professional service pack 3 version because it is a professional version and supports video gaming series.
You can play it on all products of Microsoft and this installment is launched for Windows XP Professional service pack 3 version because it is a professional version and supports video gaming series.
This installment is designed inside an ocean and you can also get many beautiful fish's inside this screen shot and this installment is related to these fish's. I have also played that version and it will not take too much space because this is a small computer game so, it will not take high space.
Finding Nemo PC Game System Requirements
Pentium 3
Ram = 256 MB
Graphics Card = 16 MB
Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7+Windows 8 (32 and 64 bits)
Hard Disk Space = 600 MB
Direct X 11
Tag :
Small Games
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