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The Typing of the Dead

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The Typing of the Dead wallpapers, screenshots, images, photos, cover, poster
Full Version Games

Recommended System Requirements:
OS: Windows 95/98/Me
CPU: Pentium II 233MHz
Video Card: 8MB
Hard Drive Space: 660MB free
DirectX: 9.oc
Mouse and keboard

The Typing of the Dead: is an arcade game that was developed by WOW Entertainment and published by Sega for the NAOMI hardware. The game was released in Japanese arcades in 1999 and was ported to the Sega Dreamcast in 2001 by Smilebit. A Windows version was released in 2000 and a PlayStation 2 port followed in 2004.
The Typing of the Dead is a modification of Sega's 1998 light gun arcade game The House of the Dead 2 in which the gun is replaced by a computer keyboard. The player takes the role of a secret agent in a zombie-infested Venice and must quickly type letters, words and phrases in order to kill fast advancing enemies.

The Typing of the Dead wallpapers, screenshots, images, photos, cover, poster
The Typing of the Dead wallpapers, screenshots, images, photos, cover, poster
The Typing of the Dead wallpapers, screenshots, images, photos, cover, poster

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Game Size: 170 MB
Password: www.ripgamesfun.net
Tag : shooting

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