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Destiny April Update’s Prison of Elders Won’t Have Checkpoints

Bungie’s Destiny will be receiving a revamped Prison of Elders with a new Challenge of the Elders mode when it goes live in April. There are a number of improvements to the Horde-like mode introduced in House of Wolves, such as Treasure Chest no longer needing keys, but during its live-stream of the update, Bungie mentioned that Prison of Elders would have checkpoints.

Click image for larger version  Name: Destiny-April-Update-1.jpg Views: 1 Size: 18.7 KB ID: 4203

This was a sorely requested feature in Year One, especially if you were disconnected from a random group or real life got in the way after hours of activity. Though Bungie mentioned it, the latest weekly update confirms that checkpoints will indeed not be implemented.

According to community manager David “Return to the Warlock” Dague, “Prison of Elders does not have checkpoints (oops, sorry). This is what happens when we preview work in progress on a live show.”


The April Update goes live on April 12th so stay tuned for the next two live-streams which detail new gear and changes to the sandbox.

Source: Rheena.com

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