Lets play the Game.


People who are interested in video games must be known about the game named MEGAMAN . Its an action adventure basis game . It is also popular game by capcom . In this post i'm sending a big collection of megaman games like ... gba , gb , nes , smc , smd , arcade etc. All games are playble in pc and all are english version .

The default keys are : for movement :: a ,s ,d ,w & for action a) primary :: j , k , l
b) secondary :: u , i, o, p

The links are : Link1 ..... Link2 ...... Link3 ....... Link4

System Requirement :: 1) procesor : any pentium 4 prosseor
2) ram : 512 for xp / 768 for vista ....for smooth run
3) Graphix card : the games will run smooth and a great graphix if using ( any 3d hardware ).
4) os : xp \ vista .( may be in other just check )


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