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Gatling Gears Reviews and more

Based on 2 critics - Overal Score: 70 / 100

GameInfo: When the Empire begins its reign of destruction in a thirst for natural resources, it's up to Max Brawley, a retired Gatling Gear pilot, to stop them. Together with his niece and his trusty Gatling Gear unit he must fight his way to the heart of the Empire and eliminate the destruction at its source.


Fight the Empire with a Friend - Battle evil with a friend by your side or online through an in-depth campaign spanning multiple environments and enemies. See who can last the longest against wave after wave of enemies in Survival Mode

Take On Epic Bosses - Blast your way through six incredibly challenging boss battles against enemies several times your size

Shoot Everything In Sight - Destroy the hordes of enemies that stand in your way in intense action gameplay across six unique environments. Lay waste to buildings and trees as you push forward on a journey of revenge and Shoot Everything In Sight!

Pick-Up-And-Play Destruction - Easy twin-stick, pick-up-and-play controls get you right into the game and blowing things to smithereens but complex nuances let you hone your skills and keep you coming back for more

Critic Score

Cheat CC: Some video game genres evolve as they age (platformers), others stagnate (FPSes), and still others disappear completely (space-combat simulators). Arcade shooters, however, have simply kept on going. New games like Geometry Wars aren't much different than the classics, but they're no less fun, either. It seems that mowing down countless enemies while carefully avoiding the ravages of bullet hell is a timeless concept. Read Full Review

Ironhammers: As one would expect from a game of this genre there is little to no narrative. Long (or perhaps already short) story short, the Empire is bad and you have to stop them from crushing your people into the ground by fighting back in your curiously AT-ST-like mech. The story is presented only through some hilariously bad dialogue and a few still frames between chapters. Gatling Gears’ campaign provides a decent play time of roughly five to six hours. The story divides itself into 6 chapters, each one containing five levels and containing several action packed encounters with infantry, tanks, and aircraft of all sorts. Read Full Review



Genre: Shooter
Style: Overhead Free-Roaming Shooter
Themes: Evil Corporations, Futuristic Warfare
Release Date: August 30, 2011
Developer: Vanguard Entertainment Group
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Tag : 2011 games, G, shooter

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