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Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand Reviews and more

Based on 3 critics - Overal Score: 83 / 100

GameInfo: Battlefield 3's first DLC, Battlefield 3: Back To Karkand, will be included free of charge for those who pre-order Battlefield 3. The Back To Karkand DLC includes maps, vehicles and weapons from Battlefield 2, remade for Battlefield 3. For those who do not pre-order Battlefield 3, the Back To Karkand DLC will be available for purchase at $15.

Critic Score

DigitalBattle Overall, Back To Karkand is an awesome add-on for Battlefield 3, especially if you’re getting it for free. Some of the maps, like Wake Island, felt noticeably smaller than their original counterparts, and the new vehicles, besides the F35 jet, don’t feel like enough to justify a $15 price tag. But the maps, the Battlefield gameplay, and the new weapons are just what Battlefield 2 veterans need. Read Full Review

TechTroid This is how you do DLC the right way; Back to Karkand offers up a hefty amount of content to keep you hooked for months and months on end. With the inclusion of ‘Karkand, the map total for Battlefield 3 is at a very comfortable and acceptable 13 maps. Don’t let the $14.99 price tag turn you off, it’s worth every penny and once you fly that STOVL fighter jet and start soaring into the skies, you’ll know it was worth it. Read Full Review

Destructoid You may not be aware of it but EA just took a 2.7 GB dump on your hard drive. Within the latest patch for Battlefield 3 lies its first expansion Back to Karkand (B2K, brah!) Far less ambitious than the Vietnam expansions of the series’ past, B2K is an effort at mixing some old maps (all taken from Battlefield 2) with some new tech and ideas. Read Full Review


System requirements

Operating System: Windows 7 64-BIT
Processor: Quad
Memory: 4 GB
Free space on hard disk: 20 GB
Video card: compatible with DirectX 11, 1024 MB of video memory (NVIDIA GeForce 560 or ATI Radeon 6950)

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