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The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim Review , Detail And System Requirements

Free Games Download Review : Since its launch, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim have dominated the list of games on Steam are most often played. Perhaps it is thanks to a remarkable campaign by Betehsda or indeed this game is a game that deserves to be on the list. But it is clear, according to data from Steam, Skyrim is the fastest-selling game on Steam.

Commercial development director Valve, Jason Holtman said that since Skyrim launched on Steam, this game never ceases to be downloaded by the members of Steam. Almost every minute, the game is always downloaded. Holtman said that with a record like that, Skyrin been "officially" became the fastest-selling game on Steam. Holtman added that Bethesda really understand how to optimize the PC as a gaming platform. Therefore, Skyrim getting so much appreciation from PC gamers who have Playing.

Perhaps many who disagree with the statement that says Holtman Skyrim PC version was made in an optimal, because in fact Skyrim still has compatibility issues with DirectX 11 technology, the latest grafis cards at this time. But retail sales numbers as much as USD 650 million across all platforms worldwide, not including digital sales, proving that this game is worth a thumbs up.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

If there's one thing the most proud of in the game The Elder Scrolls series, it is the consistency in creating the world and all its aspects. Tradition which has always held tightly Bethesda as developers are not only related to the name of the region and the race is in it alone. Apparently, you also can find legends, folklore, and an intricate knowledge of Tamriel, the name of the world in The Elder Scrolls. Likewise with Skyrim, which is the name of the Nord region inhabited similar race in the world of Viking original.

The story revolves around the adventures on Skyrim you as a hero called Dragonborn. According to legend the Nord in Skyrim, Dragonborn dragon is an exterminator who appears to rid the world of dragon-induced destruction. If you follow the timeline of the story of The Elder Scrolls, Skyrim takes the theme of time after the events in The Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion. Storyline is brought to Skyrim certainly will be more interesting if you follow the story in Oblivion. However, do not worry. Because, Skyrim also provides a story that can be followed. This game also provides a variety of books in the game that you can read so you can dive into the story.

Wait a minute; if you are going to be repellent dragon, means there will be a dragon in Skyrim? Of course! Not only there, but many dragons can you hurry! This has become one of the attractions Skyrim. Besides of course his world is so big, so many secrets are kept, and a variety of activities that can make you forget the time!


Your adventure begins with The Elder Scrolls tradition, making the characters! You can choose many aspects in the manufacture of these characters, such as sex selection, the features of the body, race, color, until the shape of the face. The face that you can create basically started from some templates that have been provided. Then, you can change its diverse, ranging from the size of the eyes, width of jaw, nose shape, until the age of the characters! So, you can create a character faces something for everyone!

Another thing that is not less important in making this character is the selection race. You can find 10 races with different abilities in Skyrim. The selection is of course very important to determine the style of your game later. One thing you need to know from the beginning; Skyrim not fix the player to choose a class that has been determined as other RPG games. Instead, you will be given the freedom to shape your character's abilities based on a unique character progression system. This topic will be discussed further later.

Back to the election race, basically your playing style will be divided into three, namely melee fighter, long distance, and magic users. If you want to use melee fighting style, choose a race that supports it, such as the Red Guard with the steady endurance, Orcs Heavy Armor is able to use well, and the Nord are experts in using arms. The selection is a handful of character formation in Skyrim. You can also create a character with a hybrid style of playing, such as the melee fighter who has a healing ability, sneaking expert who attacked his enemies with magic illusions and make enemies kill each other, and the magician at close range with a thick armor support. You are free to be anything! There is no limit!

Switch from character creation, Skyrim is a medieval-themed action RPG games with first person camera (First Person) and third (Third Person). You can change the camera with ease between the two in the middle of the game using the MouseWheel. If you want more feel the battle close, then the FPS camera is a solid choice. However, third-person camera also has its own advantages, especially when in an open area. You can see the surrounding area is easier to find threats and confidential.

This game is not just adapt the FPS-like camera only. The concept of control characters in Skyrim also similar FPS. The use of the WASD keys for character movement and the mouse to attack and aiming also typical FPS. This method has long adopted the game The Elder Scrolls series and this also makes new gamers quickly familiar with the control. The use of skills and items are also made easier with a system of "favorite". This system gives you the freedom to select items, magic, skills, and equipment that can be used quickly. So, you do not need to open the inventory screen and select which items to use. Simply tag a favorite, press the number keys (1 to 8) in quick inventory option (usually by pressing Q), and press the button to use it in the game!

Skyrim world wide and free no moral boundaries that you must follow, such as the affinity of good and evil in other RPG games. Good and evil you only shortchanged in an environment where you do it. If you do a good deed in a city, then you will be known as good people there. Conversely, if you do evil, like killing and stealing, then your head will be given a price or a Bounty in the city. It is not possible in the city's residents will hunt you down! Unless of course if there were no witnesses when you do the crime! One thing you need to remember, everyone can be combated in Skyrim and all objects can be retrieved! Including against shopkeepers and even the king!

Freedom of Character!

Freedom in Skyrim are the main features of the most interesting! So also by determining the ability character you play! To develop the skills you want, just do the activities associated with these skills. For example, you want to strengthen their ability to fight with one hand. Develop a way of hitting an enemy with one hand using a weapon, like swords and knives! The more enemies you hit in this way, the level of skill associated with it will also increase. Not just weapons only. You can also increase the ability of magic in the same way. Similarly, the ability to use Armor. The more often you are exposed to attack when using certain types of armor, such as Light Armor, then skillnya level will increase.

Types of skills in Skyrim not just limited to dealing with the fight alone. You can find the skills associated with the manufacture of armor, the ability to speak (to influence people and create a more friendly price in a store), stealing from bags others, unlock, and make things magic through the Enchantment. All non-combat skills can be enhanced in the same way, ie run the activities associated with it.

Increased level of the skill will affect the strength of skill and character levels. Unlike the skill level, character level will increase with the overall skill level. The more skill level you get, the indicator value of experience at the character level will increase. After reaching a certain amount, character levels will rise and you can enhance any of the Health, Stamina, and Magicka. Health is useful to your body's endurance level. When Health exhausted in battle, then you will die. Stamina is useful for special physical attack stronger and ran. Then, Magicka is useful for removing any kind of magic. In addition, you will also get valuable points called Perks.

Perks are very useful for upgrading your skills. Basically, every skill has a tree that can improve your ability. To open a new skill, you must achieve a minimum demand for his skill level. For example, to gain the ability to make Elven armor, you must have a level of skill in the manufacture of armor by 30. So, you must create and strengthen weapons and armor until it reaches the relevant skills to achieve those levels. Then, you must have the skill points to buy these perks! So, just to have a high skill level alone can not be used to open a new skill!

Exploring the World Skyrim

Skyrim offer so many activities you can do. Starting from the number of additional quests offered to find a variety of new areas with many benefits (and dangers) within it. In fact, when compared to running the main quest, explore the world of Skyrim is much more interesting to do. The feeling when you find cool new weapons, traps that can make you desperate, until the enemy that challenges your ability is the most impressive in this game. Skyrim a dynamic world is also a major reason betahnya gamers to continue playing.

What is a dynamic world? Skyrim ever-changing world? Yes, life in Skyrim run by itself and they have their own activities! We have tried to play Skyrim using five different characters and all of them encounter a different playing experience! Nomads who had been found near the town you were not there anymore. So also with additional quests that can be taken from the character (NPC) else. Dynamic world of Skyrim is also shown with all the objects you find. Powerful weapon in the previous character you find in a box will turn into another object while using the other characters!

Fortunately you do not roam with the blind in the world Skyrim. Area and the new Dungeon you have not found will look at the compass symbol located at the top of the game screen. So, you can simply follow the directions until you find it. To further facilitate your journey in the world is so vast Skyrim, Fast Travel feature you can find on the map screen. Simply select the places you have visited before and you will immediately get to it. You will only lose the latency alone.

Dragon Hunting Season Begins!

Dragon has a very important place in Skyrim, mainly to do with you as a Dragonborn. In addition to a variety of skills you have, Dragonborn also have the privilege when compared with ordinary people. You can use a power called Shout! Apparently, all the powerful forces that waged a dragon, like a belch fire and make the meteor shower is the result of his conduct Shout! Thus, two dragons fight is actually a deadly conversation between the two. Well, the concept is the basis of Shout.

Shout To launch, you need two things, namely the word is needed (Word of Power) and knowledge of dragons, which are summarized in the Dragon Soul. To get a Word of Power, you have to find wall murals with dragon engraving writing in the language. Typically, the wall is located in the dungeons maintained a strong enemy or was in the open but kept a dragon! You will learn a word after standing for a few moments in front of him.

Each is divided into three Shout Word of Power. So, Shout has not been completed when only one or two words. Its strength will also be much smaller. So, you have to find three words that separate location to remove the raw power of a Shout. Not to mention you will not know the location of certain of the related word. Therefore, its location will always be random every time you start with a new character!

Overall, you can find about 20 Shout with varying strengths, ranging from pushing the enemy, run fast, freeze enemies, summon a meteor shower, to summon a dragon to help you! When coupled with the number three words for each Shout, means you have to find 60 locations to get all the Shout!

Once you find a word on Shout, it must be activated by using the Dragon Soul to be used. How do I get the Soul? Can you guess? Of course by killing a dragon! Must we admit, confront dragons on Skyrim so thrilling and exciting! Besides he can fly and attack you from the air with his Shout, the dragon can also approach you for giving the painful physical attacks. As noted, the dragon will evolve as the power level your character (as well as all the enemies in Skyrim). In addition, if one soul is useful to open a word, it means you will need 60 Dragon Soul! Happy hunting dragons!

Dragon's life also follows a dynamic concept which embraced all the other creatures. He can attack you without a thought and its position will be randomized! So, you should always prepare yourself when adventuring in the world wide Skyrim. One sure sign of the coming of the dragon is the shadow that suddenly flashed on the ground, roaring wind, and the songs are instantly changed. It was immediately prepared to fight strenuously against the dragon!

Bethesda earnestness to make the complex world of Skyrim also reflected in its sincerity make the dragon and its civilization. In addition to a variety of legends about dragons, Bethesda also made the language and writing dragon! All the writing on the wall mural when you get a Word of Power, the sound when fighting dragons, and the words of the enemy undead all means in the language of dragons! For example, "los JagatPlay physiology pruzah" means JagatPlay is the best and "los Keizaal wruth Lein" which means Skyrim is my world. So, next time you meet with the undead (Draugr) and he speaks in a language like the above, could be he is mocking you! In addition, the songs on the main menu Skyrim also sung in the language of dragons! That's so cool!

The Elder Scroll V  Skyrim Trailer :

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Recommended Specs

7/Vista/XP Windows PC (32 or 64 bit)
Processor: Quad-core Intel or AMD CPU
4GB of System RAM
6GB HDD space
DirectX 9.0c compatible NVIDIA / AMD ATI video card with 1GB of RAM (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 / ATI Radeon 4890)

Minimum Specs

7/Vista/XP Windows PC (32 or 64 bit)
Processor: Dual Core 2.0GHz
2GB System RAM
6GB HDD Space
Direct X 9.0c video card with 512 MB of RAM

For more detail Your Pc Requirement Support You Can Check link below :

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Tag : Review, RPG Games

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