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Just Cause | PC Game Highly Compressed Rip full Version in 481 Mb

Just Cause | PC Game Highly Compressed Rip full Version in 481 Mb 




Just Cause is an army game which begins with Rico Rodriguez, an operative for an organization known as the Agency, being dropped into a Caribbean tropical island called San Esperito, after being called there by his commanding officer, Tom Sheldon, to help overthrow San Esperito's dictator; Salvador Mendoza, whom the Agency believes to be in possession of weapons of mass destruction.[3] After his arrival, Rico rendezvouses with Sheldon, as well as their partner and fellow agent Maria Kane, and they ally themselves with a Guerrilla group staging a rebellion against the regime and the Rioja drug cartel, another enemy of the government. Rico assists them in their civil war against Mendoza's corrupt officials; Black Hand mercenaries and the Montano cartel. Rico can also assist in the liberation of various territories to further destabilize the government's rule over the island.
Eventually, Sheldon discovers that Mendoza does, indeed, have control of WMDs, and with San Esperito so politically unstable, the president is forced to retreat to his private presidential island just off the mainland. Sheldon and Kane fly Rico to the island to kill Mendoza, but he attempts to escape via jet. However, Rico boards the jet and kills Mendoza and his remaining bodyguards, stopping his reign on the islands

Windows 2000/XP
Pentium IV 1.4GHz or AMD AthlonXP 1700+ Processor
64MB GeForce4 TI4200 or ATI 9500 Video Card
16-Bit DirectX 9.0C Compatible Sound Card
5.8GB Hard Disk Space
Pentium IV 2.8GHz Athtlon 64 Series
256MB NVidia GeForceT 7 Series+ Video Card
Sound Blaster X-Fi Series Sound Card


PASSWORD: p-c-g-a-m-e-s

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