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How To Create A Free Blog using Blogger?

Hi friends, Today i am going to tell a useful information.This post is also very useful for beginners and all other users.There are two main platforms to create a web.You will also see many other platforms but Blogger and Wordpress are two main platforms but you can a free web in blogger while you will need to pay money when you will start website using Wordpress.These both platforms provide amazing features.
You must be have a Google account for using blogger platforms and i have also host this site on Blogger.
Now just following these steps!
Step 1! Create an Google Account and if you have already Google account then you will not need more account.
Step 2! Open Blogger site
Step 3!Click on New Blog
then you will see this type of option in popup window.

In Title you will write your blog title
In Address you will write a address like example.blogspot.com
If your search domain will available you can select it otherwise you will need to choose another domain if it will not available
then choose any template after it just click on Create blog! Button
Now totally work has done but you will also need to learn its tools like SEO( search Engine Optimization).
Thanks for visiting and if any question is rising up in your mind then type your problem in comment area and i will give you reply as early as possible.
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